Meet the Team

Caitlin Cogan
California Licensed Professional Fiduciary

Caitlin has immense passion for people and protecting their dignity. It is her objective to protect an individual at risk of financial exploitation or physical abuse. It is very important to ensure the least restrictive alternative is met for that individual. She strives to do everything to the best of her ability, to accommodate those in need of help, and to provide the best quality of life.

Martin J. Lejnieks
California Licensed Professional Fiduciary

My background is unique to the Professional Fiduciary community in that I have: 1) An established Fiduciary accounting practice; 2) Over 10 years of experience exclusively in Probate, Trust, and Conservatorship matters as a Paralegal working with experienced legal counsel and other professional fiduciaries; and 3) I am also a licensed California Real Estate Broker.

You can be assured your matter will receive prompt attention and high quality services.

Steven Cogan

Fiduciary Accounting Coordinator

We look forward to hearing from you, whether you have any questions about a particular matter, believe you could benefit from involving a Professional Fiduciary or have the need for Fiduciary accounting services.

Our rates are competitive and vary depending on the assignment but are available upon request. You can be assured your matter will receive prompt attention and high quality services.